
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Life of A Nobody

1. Everyone's like a pack of wolves: Everyone, especially relatives, relatives of relatives, all of them are look like thousands of wolves, with their eyes fixed on each one of us...each one of us have our thousand wolves, when we're in college we don't give a damn about them, but as soon as we're back, we'll be taught that how they are so important, how whatever we do can make or break the fuckin family name...

2. All of them are Afraid and they want us to be afraid too: All of our parents and elders have grown in a constant fear, a fear that the we might lose our job, a fear that something bad might happen, a fear that we might be left behind.....fear, sadness, lack of any enthusiasm is what we can find in life even without trying...

In the morning traffic where people rush from corners, to the tasteless swift or maruti cars, this is everywhere, our tasteless parents, who just so depend upon us, look upon us as if we're some sort of thing they have invested in....

seriosuly, when i look our from the balcony, i see silence, nowhere i hear some loud music...nowhere i see anything...

i see tastelessness, i see boredom....

And everyone gives in...everyone at one point or other gives in to this boredom, this tastelessness...

i'll rather die than give in....


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