
Monday, November 22, 2010

I never thought I would start blogging again, that too honestly.

I won't be performing at open mics anymore, I don't really know how to explain why I won't. Simply put Stand Up comedy is not my first love.

First love is comics, drawing and writing.

I would still be a randi for cash, i.e I would still be performing at places where I am paid.

I have been performing for one whole year now, and in this year, this whole experiment with this medium has taught me a lot, because stand up is a very different form of humor in itself, because here unlike other mediums, you get your response almost immediately.

that instant nature of this medium helps you improve a lot.

A lot of my friends and colleagues didn't see the point of performing for free for the last one year, I didn't too but now when I am finally closing shop, I guess I won't regret because I tried almost everything I could with the medium, and that with what was available.

The only problem is that our venues are stuck to places where normally you and me won't go,  if that changes, that would help the whole cause of the medium a lot.

Let's see what happens.


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